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By: Salvatore Garcia

Adult Students
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Hello there! I'm Salvatore Garcia! This website is where I'm going to share my insights and journey through the fascinating world of E-Tech. 


As a passionate learner in this subject, Iv'e delved into various aspects of technology, uncovering insights, gaining hand-on experience, and discovering how it shapes the world.


Here, you'll find a collection of my insights, using functions and formats, exploring the Internet of Things(IoT), and understanding the principles of technology and beyond.


Through my experiences, I hope to not only share my knowledge. But also inspire and engage fellow enthusiasts, students, and curious minds to join me in exploring the ever-evolving realm of E-Tech.


So dive in, explore, and let's embark on this electrifying journey together!

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Home: About


By: Salvatore Garcia

Online Monitoring


This website, is for my project for my subject E-Tech (Empowerment and Technology). This is only for educational purposes, for my school project.


Initiating a plan on making these website have many steps that is needed to plan ahead of time. Especially if its a school project, with other subjects have more projects, needed to accomplish.

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Image by Clément Hélardot


It takes a while for one, to create a website. Especially in creating a website to appear attracting and contrasting, of information and style of the website.

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Image by Andras Vas


Empowerment and Technology, is a challenging yet engaging subject to learn in. I'm always fascinated, by the technology and the digital world. I also make sure that the websites and other links, were trusted and safe to open and use under a supervision of an authorized person or my parents.


I also limit my time in the digital world, where I also engage myself with the real world. Which is more to explore, rather than going online on the internet or social media. Especially going out with our families, relatives and friends to enagage in numerous activities.

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Computer inner workings in the neon light


My three(3) most used online platforms were:


  1. YouTube: This online platforms have many videos for me to watch, to entertain, to educate, and to interact people all over the world. YouTube is very easy to use, searching videos are also simple by typing what topic or content you want to find or learn.

  2.  Facebook: This is also one of my used online platform, where I receive updates, news, memes, and educational videos to watch from aside from YouTube. Although, the community is divided into two where users are toxic and non-toxic. But I chose to stay neither from the two sides, and be a responsible user.

  3. Google: The most used online platform, that not myself have used it numerous times. But all over the world, people use Google. It's simple, yet also a reliable search engine, where you can store files, create documents, spreadsheets, power point presentations, online meetings and so much more. 


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 2.9 billion people still being offline, an estimated 96 percent live in developing countries, said the ITU.

There are still people who have unable or haven't use the internet, or having trouble coping with the new technology due to the lack of knowledge.


While the world has seen remarkable progress in mobile technology, the divide persists. Even though smartphones are prevalent, not everyone has access to them or the internet due to affordability or infrastructure issues. This limits individuals' ability to access information, job opportunities, or essential services available online


Disparities between urban and rural areas persist. Urban centers often have better internet infrastructure and technology access compared to rural communities. This discrepancy limits rural populations' access to educational resources, job opportunities, and essential services available online.

Efforts to bridge the divide include initiatives to expand internet infrastructure, provide affordable devices, offer digital literacy programs, and create public-private partnerships. Sustainable solutions demand a comprehensive approach that addresses infrastructure, affordability, and education, ensuring equitable access to the opportunities provided by the digital world


Image by Tianyi Ma


ICT as a Platform for Change

The emergence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has propelled our society into an era defined by unprecedented connectivity, innovation, and transformation. ICT, encompassing the vast realms of computers, telecommunications, and the internet, has fundamentally altered how we live, work, and interact, reshaping the very fabric of our world.
One of the most profound impacts of ICT lies in its ability to revolutionize communication. The advent of the internet and its subsequent accessibility to the masses has bridged geographical boundaries, allowing instantaneous communication across continents. Social media platforms, email, video conferencing—all these tools have made the world a smaller, more interconnected place, enabling people to share ideas, collaborate, and engage in ways never before imagined.
Moreover, ICT has catalyzed monumental changes in various industries. From healthcare to education, finance to entertainment, virtually every sector has witnessed a digital revolution. Telemedicine has made healthcare more accessible, remote learning has expanded educational opportunities, and online banking has transformed how we manage our finances. The efficiency, accessibility, and convenience brought by ICT have reshaped business models and propelled economies into the digital age.
Furthermore, the impact of ICT on innovation cannot be overstated. The technological advancements driven by ICT—such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT)—have unlocked new frontiers in science, industry, and daily life. These innovations have not only enhanced efficiency and productivity but have also laid the groundwork for solving complex global challenges, from climate change to healthcare disparities.
However, amidst the myriad benefits, challenges stemming from ICT's pervasive influence also loom large. Privacy concerns, cybersecurity threats, and the digital divide are among the critical issues that demand attention in this digitally interconnected world. Balancing innovation with ethical considerations and ensuring equitable access to technology remains a pressing need.
In concluding, while acknowledging the undeniable impact of Information and Communication Technology on our world, I hold a deep appreciation for the value of face-to-face communication, especially with those who are dear to me. While ICT has revolutionized global connectivity and transformed how we interact, the irreplaceable warmth and depth of personal connection found in face-to-face communication remain invaluable. Amidst the advancements of the digital era, nurturing meaningful relationships through personal interactions continues to hold a special place in my heart. Balancing the marvels of technology with the cherished tradition of face-to-face communication is essential in shaping a world where both digital connectivity and personal connections coexist harmoniously.

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Hello, I'm Salvatore Garcia, and I'm navigating the fascinating world of Grade 11 of Colegio de San Juan de Letran in Bataan with a keen interest in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In this rapidly evolving digital landscape, I find myself captivated by the endless possibilities and transformative power of technology.For me, ICT isn't just a subject; it's a gateway to understanding how technology shapes our world, revolutionizes industries, and connects us globally.Beyond the confines of textbooks and screens, I channel my passion for technology into  joining in a group where members collaborate on technologies related, sharing their expertise and i've learned from them. Whether it's  designing innovative solutions, or staying updated with the latest tech trends, I'm driven by a desire to innovate and make a meaningful impact in the digital sphere.Through my journey in ICT, I aim to bridge the gap between theory and application, fostering a deeper understanding of how technology influences our lives and empowers us to create a brighter, more connected future.

Join me on this exhilarating journey as we unravel the
 mysteries of technology, embrace innovation, and pave the way for a digitally empowered tomorrow.

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